New site, first Merco Tape blog post

Someone in the sales team at Merco called the creative people upstairs and mentioned our web site's closeout page was pushing 4 years since it's last update.  Actually, they asked 'what the heck have you guys been doing all this time??' 

But, I digress.

Its mid-March, spring is in the air and Covid vaccines in the arm. We are now all hard at work here creating a new website for Merco Tape.  We've:

  • hired a top-shelf web design firm
  • engaged some excellent marketing people
  • added a number of new products and categories
  • rewritten almost all the copy for our products
  • re-shot a number of product images
  • rewritten our spec sheets and made sure our MSDS are up to date


  • are giving thought to both a new closeouts page, and a way to keep the creative people on top of things

They tell us it is still several weeks of bench testing so by the time you read this blog it will be toast. But it will also be an acknowledgement that our site has been thoroughly run through all sorts of hoops trying to make it crash, and survived.

And not that we want you to crash it, but if you do see errors please bring them to the attention of Bob in the Creative Department.


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